student teacher training programme
What Is It?
This is a programme run throughout the year for Senior AwA students who have an interest in further acro and dance teacher training. Participants will be taught how to teach, spot and correct acro skills, with multiple dedicated teacher training days throughout the year, accumulating in an ADTA teaching certification after a year of participation. All Student Teachers will be on a rotating roster in which 2-3 student teachers will assist teachers with weekly classes, allowing participants to put their training to work with other students.
Participants should be able to commit to at least 8 weeks of in-class lessons per half year, however, exact dates are flexible around student teachers' other dance, school and family commitments.
What Will Teachers Receive?
As a part of the STTP, you will receive:
Associate Teacher Certification through ADTA.
In-class teaching experience with various ages and levels.
Training on how to teach, spot and correct a wide variety of skills from cartwheels and walkovers to aerials and back tucks.
Training on teaching techniques and styles.
Opportunities for paid teaching roles.
Opportunities for assisting or demonstrating in AwA workshops.
If requested, a written reference at the end of the year which can be used for future job applications/school roles/scholarship applications etc.
There is no cost for this training program, however there is a small fee for participation in dedicated Teacher Training sessions which covers studio hire, material costs and Amys time. Continued training in class is free of charge.
$60 - Those who have completed the STTP and don't also attend their own weekly acro class.
$40 - Those who do attend their own weekly acro class (required while completing the STTP - see below for more details)
Applicant Requirements
Must be age 12+ as of February 17th, 2025.
Must be attending their own weekly acro class unless alternative plan has been arranged. As a lot of the practical learning happens when executing your own skills, it is highly encouraged that STTP participants attend their own weekly acro class. There can be some discussion around this - for example if someone does not have any previous acro experience of their own and is only interested in learning how to teach, however is it standard that you will also attend your own class as you will gain a lot more from the training by learning how to put the techniques into action on your own body.
Approx 2-3 week in-class rotation (with flexibility around other commitments). Class times include;
Mondays, 3:45pm - 5:15pm.
Wednesdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm.
Thursday, 3:45pm - 4:30pm.
Saturdays 10:30am - 12:45pm.
Approx 5 month commitment. Roughly 2-3 terms of training, with opportunities to stay on for the following terms once certified.
Attend a dedicated teaching training session to learn how to spot/teach skills.
Attend any ongoing training sessions.
Email with any queries.